United Church Dorchester

Community and Outreach:  Child Contact Centre

The Dorchester Child Contact Centre CIO (Registered Charity No. ​1207108) is a charity which enables children of separated families to enjoy contact with one or both parents and sometimes other family members in a comfortable, safe and neutral environment. 

The Centre is accredited by the National Association of Child Contact Centres to provide a ‘supported contact’ service.  The ‘supervised contact’ service in Dorchester is run by Relate

Child Contact sessions take place on the first and third Saturday afternoons of each month. We frequently have a waiting list.

The Dorchester centre was founded by the United Church in 2001 and continues to have a very close relationship with the Church, including the provision of free accommodation for Contact sessions.  

If you would like further information, or want to act as a volunteer, please get in touch with the Co-ordinator, Ruth Magee: call 07930 809184 or use the Contact form to send an email. 

Please note, however, that the Dorchester Child Contact Centre is a very small, voluntary charity - we work entirely with volunteers, apart from the coordinator who works minimal hours. We do not have an office space, so please be patient if you do not get an immediate response.