United Church Dorchester

News and Events: Latest News

Read here about some of the most important issues and developments within the United Church and beyond. 

You can read elsewhere about Events taking place at UCD.

You may also want to read the weekly notices, monthly news sheets and annual reports.

On Saturday 15th March at St. George's Church Hall there will be a Bingo Evening to support Christian Aid.

Doors open at 6pm for 6.30pm startand Bingo books can be purchased individually for £1 - although many people buy a strip of six books for £5   Refreshments will be available throughout the evening and there will also be a raffle.

All proceeds go to Christian Aid.

It is now some time since Traidcraft went into administration. However, a limited number of their own brand products have been re-launched by Transform Trade, including tea bags, greetings cards and toilet rolls. 

The United Church remains committed to Fair Trade. We have recently been awarded our Fairtrade Place of Worship certificate and we continue to use Fair Trade tea and coffee at church events. The Church shop stocks many Fair Trade items, including Divine chocolate, cocoa, coffee, peanut butter, honey, Fair Trade cards and gifts from Shared Earth.

Thank you for your support.